Following on from our previous Press Release (3rd November 2016) SME Alliance is happy to confirm that The Parliamentary Debate on will be taking place tomorrow, 15th December 2016 at 11:30am in the Main Chambers. The debate is scheduled to last for 3 hours. We would continue to urge members to contact their MP’s and ask them to attend and show their support.
Again, we'd like to thank George Kerevan MP, Calum Kerr MP and their team for tabling the motion as well as the many MPs who supported it. We'd also like to thank Heather Buchanan and her team who have worked hard to make this happen. And, of course, our own members who have actively canvassed support from their MP. For further info: e-mail [email protected] or contact Nikki on 07519 505276 or 01223 779690.
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November 2021