cancelling your membership
If you no longer wish to be a member, please contact our office at [email protected] to confirm in writing that you wish to cancel your membership. We will then remove your member information from our systems and you will no longer receive our emails, event invitations or be entitled to access and use our members area on our website.
Cessation of Membership
Any Member may resign by giving written notice to the Board. Cancelling payments does not automatically cancel Membership.
Membership terminated in the following way:
a. If, for any reason whatsoever, the Board is of the view that a Member is breaching the Articles of Association (Article) or acting in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the Company, the Board may give written notice of this fact to the Member in question (“the Board Notice”). The Board Notice shall:
i. Explain how the Member is breaching the Articles or is or has acted in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the Company;
ii. State what the Member must do in order to remedy the situation; or state that the Member must write to the Board within ten days, giving reasons why the Board should not terminate the Member’s membership.
iii. State that if, within 14 days of the Member receiving the Board Notice, the Board is not satisfied, the Board may in its absolute discretion immediately terminate the Member’s Membership which decision shall be final and binding on the Member.
b. Fourteen days after the Member received the Member’s Notice, the Board may in its absolute discretion by majority vote terminate the Member’s Membership by giving the Member written notice (“Termination Notice”), which takes immediate effect.
Membership terminated in the following way:
a. If, for any reason whatsoever, the Board is of the view that a Member is breaching the Articles of Association (Article) or acting in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the Company, the Board may give written notice of this fact to the Member in question (“the Board Notice”). The Board Notice shall:
i. Explain how the Member is breaching the Articles or is or has acted in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the Company;
ii. State what the Member must do in order to remedy the situation; or state that the Member must write to the Board within ten days, giving reasons why the Board should not terminate the Member’s membership.
iii. State that if, within 14 days of the Member receiving the Board Notice, the Board is not satisfied, the Board may in its absolute discretion immediately terminate the Member’s Membership which decision shall be final and binding on the Member.
b. Fourteen days after the Member received the Member’s Notice, the Board may in its absolute discretion by majority vote terminate the Member’s Membership by giving the Member written notice (“Termination Notice”), which takes immediate effect.
Membership Database
It is important for the Company to have your current details in its membership database. If your contact or payment details change, please notify the Company.